Ensuring the safe and secure transmission of powers of attorney and related documents

What is ePowers?

Electronic Powers is a software service that allows for the safe and secure transmission of powers of attorney, supporting documents and other data required to secure a surety bond.

What are the benefits of ePowers?

Using Electronic Powers has many benefits, including the following:

Allows for the safe and secure transmission of power of attorney documents

Speeds up the process of posting a bond

Saves both the county and the surety money by decreasing the use of paper in the bond posting process

Helps sureties better control inventories and manage bond distribution to appointed agents

Eliminates any opportunity for fraud in the bond posting process

The ePowers Story

ePowers came about when a small Texas jurisdiction wanted to make changes to their bond posting process.  They saw the value of doing things electronically and the potential savings they could incur if done properly.

ePowers became the system by which Surety Companies could link to the new electronic posting system of this county and safely and securely post powers of attorney and associated documents to the jail.

In the first year of operation, the new electronic system implemented by the county along with ePowers, saved the county a significant amount of money.

Contact Us

Contact us by sending a message below or email us directly at [email protected].

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